#1 According to the functionalist theory, the definition of “instrumental” leader is basically a person that takes charge in a group environment. The “instrumental” leader becomes the organizer and the manager that advises what the other group members should do. The “expressive” leader is the person that if placed in a group environment would be very supportive, have positive remarks and jokes. The group’s “expressive” leader helps keep the spirit of the group alive because of their expressive abilities.
#2 During the 1960’s and 1970’s women began to find employment and were no longer staying at home. Because this was women were now working, the family that had homemaker is now losing their power. The change caused the theorist to be critical and explain how the change of homemaker to employee is going to change the family for the worst. Theorists explain how this occurred from the 1960’s feminist movement.
#3 The main theme of the conflict theory is different to the functionalist theory. Unlike the functionalist theory, the conflict theory concentrates on group change, authority or unfairness to other individual. Conflict theory explains how one person becomes the leader, because of the power they use. Their main focus is to compete to try to advance or get ahead, and they lose the ability to work as a team. The theorist explains that dominance and control are parts of the conflict theory, which are not necessarily part of functionalist theory.
#4 Social exchange theory is based on ideas from the economics theory that believes humans are normal and make decisions based on the exchange of goods and services as well as think about the costs and benefits of everything. What the exchange theory has to say about husbands is that they have a stronger bargaining power than their wives because wives place such a big value on goods or services, they have few alternatives in gaining these goods or services.
#5 The feminist theory is based on the main idea of gender which refers to the social and cultural characteristics that differentiate women and men in a society.
#6 Thinking about the various methods or ways that we collect data to study the family, I would like to study families on a macro level. The method I would use to collect data is Field Research and about 25 people would be in my study because I want to have time to observe and understand the processes of their behavior. Three questions I would ask my study group is:
1. How has education limited you to help your family in a time of need?
2. Is there a religion in the household that is affecting the family?
3. Does everybody in the family have health care?
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